About the page

          In this page I will teach you HTML the most basic language one should know to make a web page .

Now let us start-

The first thing you must be thinking should be what the hell is HTML, well html is the most basic language that one has to know to make a web page . Yes, it is the base of web designing, the full form of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language.

                  The few things that we should know before starting these tutorials are that -
  1. We write a HTML program in Notepad.
  2. The coding consists of tags <...> which we use to program.
  3. This is how a open tag looks <....> & the closed one </....> . While there are some tags which are not closed.
  4. When we save a html file on our computer we store it with extensible file name like filename.html or filename.htm.

                                            How to write text in HTML

  1. Open Notepad on your computer.
  2. We start a html program by the tag <html>.
so it lokks like some what like this

<html>                                                Opened html tag
<head>                                                This is basically the heading of the page(opened tag) not in use. 
choice for heading
<title>                                                  It displays the title of web page in the tab.
text to be dispaled on tab
</title>                                                 Closed title tag                   
</head>                                               Closed head tag
<body>                                                This is the body tag, this is where the content starts. 
Text to be written
</body>                                               Closed body tag.
</html>                                                 Closed html tag

save this file like filename.html or htm
You just learned how to write text in html.

tommorrow i will tell you how to put image and arrange text and images suscribe for more such information, google +1. see ya 



Yesterday, I taught you all how to write text in html which is the most basic thing and you can't do any thing with it, accept making a page full of unalined text . Today it is about how to insert pictures and how to aline text and pictures.

first we will make a folder on the desktop( or where we are going to save the webpage) in which we will have are pictures and name it (here img) . Then, open Notepad and type the code

.::this is my first website::.
<center>                                                            This tag is used to display a text or pic in center
<img src="img/ronaldo.png">                              This tag is used to display the image( here the img              src means image source and this tag is known as image tag, then ="img i.e. the folder name/ronaldo.png" i.e. is the name of picture. This tag is not closed.) 
</center>                                                             closed center tag                                         
<p align="left">                                                     this is the aling tag and is used to aling text and pic's . the align tag is used along with the paragrapht tag "p"(here variable) then aling="left" this will aline the image to left side (by default all inputs are displayed on the left side.
<img src="img/ronaldo.png">                                 Image
</p>                                                                      closed para tag.(here variable) 
<p align="right">                                                   used to aline to right
<img src="img/ronaldo.png">                                image  
</p>                                                                     closed p tag

Also see the video

So, know u can make a web page with well alinged text and image, still there is more to learn so keep practicing . In the next tutorial I will tell u about some very amazing attribuites which will make your page lokk like professional.

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